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Register for Public Comment

Committee Meeting Requests – Pursuant to County Board Rules, you can submit your request to speak up to 24 hours prior to the meeting online using the form below or in person up to 15 minutes prior to the meeting.

Board Meeting Requests - Pursuant to County Board Rules, there shall be 15 minutes allotted during each County Board meeting for appearances by non-members, non-members shall appear in the order of the receipt of their request to speak, and requests can be submitted online up to 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting using the form below or in person up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.  Administrative Staff encourages members of the public to submit their requests as soon as possible as Staff cannot guarantee requests will be granted if the 15-minute time limit is reached.

(Must be Received 24 Hours Prior to Meeting Time)

Full Name

Full Address

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